Saedinenie Winery

The winery holds and cultivates 700 Ha of private vineyards in the region Nayden Gerovo village. The grape varieties grown there include both traditional Bulgarian ones and country/region unique varieties such as Dornfelder, Regent and Glera....

Gulbanis Wine Winery

Gulbanis Wine is a Bulgarian winery located in Gorsky Dolen Trambesh, Bulgaria. The vineyards of Gulbanis Wine spread on the rolling hills of the village, below which the silvery Yantra meanders its way. The beauty of the scenery is...

LVK-Vinprom Targovishte

LVK-Vinprom Targovishte is a winery located in the North-East viticultural region of Bulgaria mainly consisting of hilly and semi-hilly terrains. 

LVK-Vinprom Targovishte makes white and red wines of guaranteed appellation of origin,...

Stambolovo Winery

Stambolovo Winery falls within the Thracian Valley Wine Region of Bulgaria and is included in Bulgaria’s Southern Route of Wine.

STAMBOLOVO WINERY, in alliance with the former HASKOVO WINERY, is a successor to Patkovi Winemaking Firm,...